all work on my website is under the Cooperative Nonviolent Public Liscense (CNPL) unless otherwise specified. this means that anyone can download, share, and change my content as long as it is not used for violent, discriminatory, or otherwise hateful purposes. one must also credit me as the original creator and clearly state what changes they've made. corporations may not use my work commercially, but individuals or worker-owned organizations may.
additional guidelines and comments:
- please refer to me Willow Rosenberg in formal works and citations, but feel free to call me Willow or Wil in casual contexts.
- if you're referring to one of my soulbonds, please use their names. most of their writings will be cowritten or edited by me, and if that's the case, credit both of us.
- anyone has permission to archive my works to sites such as the wayback machine! i'm a bit of a lost media freak and i may do it myself at times. i do ask that you let me know when you archive a page on my site so that if i ever edit it i can archive the new version along with it.
- i encourage referencing, citing, or linking back to my writing! again, i would appreciate if you let me know if you do this, especially if you comment on my content or reference it for a larger project. i want to see the awesome work you're putting out!
- this is unneccessary if you're referencing my works on the Otherkin Wiki, unless you just want talk to me about it! i'll see it myself watching over the recent changes page.
- the 'canon' versions of my works are hosted on this website, and i ask that you link back to here rather than any social media i've crossposted my writing to.